When checking the ingredients list of your favorite beauty products, Cyclopentasiloxane might make an appearance.   

It hardly sounds natural, so what exactly are you using it for? Why is it such a common element in beauty products? And is it good for you? 

These days we’re surrounded by chemicals. While regulators like the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and Cosmetic Ingredient Review Expert Panel vet most of them, it’s still important to learn more about the stuff in your product. That is if you want flawless skin! 

Let’s take a look at this hard-to-pronounce cosmetic ingredient, so you know exactly what you’re putting on your skin and hair.

What Is Cyclopentasiloxane?

Cyclopentasiloxane, also known as D5, is a silicone used in various cosmetic products. 

The chemical is colorless and odorless; it is also quite thin. Strangely enough, it doesn’t absorb into the skin as it is so light that it quickly evaporates. Because of this property, it is commonly used in cosmetic products like antiperspirants and hair spray. 

D5 is also a lubricant and acts as a carrier that allows hair and skin products to spread easily. 

It can act as a protective barrier on the skin and hair, which helps you detangle your hair, retain moisture, and prevent breakage and frizz.

What Are The Benefits Of Using It For Your Skin & Hair?

Unlike most cosmetic ingredients, D5 doesn’t offer many benefits when used on its own for the skin or hair. Instead, it is mainly used to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of another cosmetic product. 

Here are a few of the possible benefits of using products with D5:


D5 is incredibly lightweight. It is lighter than most silicones, making it a popular choice for hair and skin care products. This is because it doesn’t weigh the hair down, nor does it make the hair or skin appear and feel greasy.

Holds Heavier Ingredients

D5 works well when combined with heavier ingredients like oils. When you combine these ingredients with D5, they can spread easily over the skin.

This is because this lightweight silicone spreads quickly because of its slippery glide. This gives the skin and hair a smooth and silky finish.

Seals In Moisture

One of the major benefits of using Cyclopentasiloxane is that it forms a protective seal on the skin and hair. This seal prevents the loss of moisture and retains hydration. 

Unlike most silicones, D5 can do this without “suffocating” the hair or skin due to the wide spaces between each of the chemical’s molecules. 

This makes it an ideal ingredient for curly hair as it keeps moisture in their hair without forming nasty product build-up.

Is It Really Safe To Use?

There has been a fair bit of controversy surrounding the use of D5 in both cosmetics and everyday products like sealants. Spurring the concern are the potential health and environmental risks associated with the compound.

For example, the Environmental Working Group (EWG) had concerns that the chemical might be an endocrine disruptor or that it might cause negative disruptions to hormone functioning. 

However, according to the Cosmetic Ingredient Review Expert Panel, D5 is entirely safe to use. 

It doesn’t absorb into the skin or hair but simply evaporates. This eliminates many of the risks associated with the chemical. 

If you inhale D5, the body can break it down quickly and excrete the chemical, so it’s less likely to accumulate in the body. 

In addition to this, D5 rarely causes skin irritations. Instead, when used in sunscreen, it was shown to prevent skin irritations in users with conditions like rosacea.

Key Takeaways

While Cyclopentasiloxane has been at the center of controversy concerning the health, safety, and environmental concerns about its use, most of these concerns appear to be unfounded.

Research shows that the methods of application and the amount used in cosmetic products negate the potential risk.

This lightweight silicone has many benefits for skin and hair care, and studies show that it is safe to use! 

That said, we always advise that you follow product instructions carefully. And continue reading more of our ingredient guides for more information and healthier skin and hair!