Zinc Oxide (ZnO) is a simple compound of zinc and oxygen. Often found as a white powder, it has several beauty uses and benefits.

You can also find it in a few of your household goods – from hygiene products to sunscreen, medicinal ointments, UV protection creams, cosmetics, and much more.

Let’s look at the different types of zinc oxide, its uses, and more.

What Is Zinc Oxide (ZnO)?

Zinc Oxide (ZnO) is a simple compound combination of zinc and oxygen. You can find it in powder form or mixed with other ingredients to make an endless number of cosmetic products.

Depending on the product, you can find it under a few different names; for example, labeled as “calamine” in lotions. As a pigment, it may have any of these names: Chinese white, flowers of zinc, or simply zinc white.

If you are into history, ZnO was known as philosopher’s wool among alchemists.

Which Cosmetic Products Contain It?

Besides sunscreen and medicinal creams, ZnO is common in mineral make-up. You will find it in concealers, foundations, face powders, and eye shadows as it creates a lovely white pigment.

Many soaps, powders, dental products, and nail products also contain ZnO.

Zinc Oxide Uses

ZnO blocks UVA and UVB rays better than other sunblock alternatives. As a result, it is a prominent ingredient in sunscreen lotions.

As a pigment, ZnO has a transparent to semi-opaque white appearance. It’s useful in cosmetic products used to make subtle changes to a make-up look.

ZnO ointments also work wonders for skin diseases, minor skin damage, acne, and fungal infections like ringworm and athlete’s foot. You can find it in diaper creams too.

ZnO protects the skin with a barrier, keeping out irritants and moisture, allowing the skin to heal. It also helps curb oiliness for acne-prone skin.

How To Use Zinc Oxide

ZnO powder is a choice ingredient for DIY skincare products. It costs little and goes a long way. Be careful where you buy it from, though. Look for pharmaceutical-grade ZnO with no impurities.

You can make an inexpensive skin protectant with just ZnO and castor oil. You can also add nourishing and soothing ingredients like shea butter, argan oil, aloe vera, and chamomile. To help promote healing, you can even include bentonite clay.

Try similar recipes to make your own sunblock and creams for eczema and pimples. For homemade deodorant, you may mix ZnO with arrowroot powder, coconut oil, and beeswax.

It’s essential not to use too much or pure ZnO on your skin. Balance it with other ingredients, carrier oils, and creams.

If you are thinking about adding ZnO powder to your food, rather don’t. Zinc is necessary for your diet, but an excess of it can prevent the absorption of other nutrients.

Leave it to the labs to get the right balance of nutrients in a quality supplement from your local drugstore.

Is It Safe To Use?

Yes, Zinc Oxide is generally safe for human use but, of course, in moderate amounts.

Avoid inhaling it. This is even riskier in industrial settings. Manufacturers sometimes use it in large amounts that can be directly inhaled, which is unhealthy for the lungs.

When working with pure ZnO to make your own products, it’s best to use gloves and a mask.

In creams applied to the skin, your skin may absorb some ZnO but only in the outer dermal layer. It doesn’t sink in deeper than that, so it doesn’t end up in your bloodstream.

ZnO should not leach into the environment and water reserves. This is because it’s harmful to fish and other aquatic life.

Conservationists have raised concern over the effects of ZnO in sunscreen on coral reefs often visited by people. Sunscreens are now available without ZnO for use when swimming in fresh or seawater to help protect aquatic life.

If you are just by the pool at home or on a hike, ZnO in your sunscreen is fine. A sunblock without ZnO can help protect the environment if you swim in a lake or go surfing, for example.


ZnO is a simple, safe, yet incredibly versatile substance that has many skincare uses. It can protect the skin from harmful UV rays, act as an anti-bacterial and healing agent, and help treat various skin diseases.

Plus, it plays a central role in giving pigment to cosmetic products for the perfect beauty looks. Just be sure to check out the compound levels if you plan to apply the product to your skin in a marine protected area.